Junior High School Department

At the Junior High School level, ten (10) main subjects are studied, out of which nine (9) are examined at the Basic Education Certificate Examination (B.E.C.E).

  1. English Language
  2. Mathematics
  3. Science
  4. Social Studies
  5. Basic Technology and Design (Life Skills / Graphic Design/Pre-Technical Skills)
  6. Ghanaian Language & Culture (The School offers either Akuapem Twi or Ga).
  7. French
  8. I.C.T
  9. Religious and Moral Education (RME)
  10. P.E (This subject is internally examined)

Junior High School Department Grading System

90 - 100A+ 1  Excellent (STAR)
80 - 89A   1  Very Good
70 - 79B+ 2  Good
65 - 69B   3  Credit
60 - 64C+ 4  Satisfactory
55 - 59C   5  Weak
50 - 54D  6  Very weak
0 - 49Fail

Junior High School Department Promotions / Repetitions

To qualify for promotion to the next class, a pupil must satisfy at least one of the following conditions:

  1. JHS 2 pupils must pass an internally assessed examination conducted by the School in the Trinity term.
  2. To qualify for promotion to the next class, a student must obtain seventy percent (70%) in the four (4) core BECE subjects offered in the School. Subject to satisfactory conduct, students who fail to meet the above requirements are allowed to repeat for another academic year.

Pupils are allowed to repeat once in the Junior High. A child who fails a second time is asked to leave the school. However, each case on promotion shall be determined on its own merit.