No. | Date | Amount (GH¢) | Percentage (%) |
1 | 26th May, 2021 | 936.00 | 40% |
2 | 14th June, 2021 | 702.00 | 30% |
3 | 30th June, 2021 | 702.00 | 30% |
Total | 2,340.00 | 100% |
Please you can use any of the following payment methods to make your payments.
Account Name – Ridge Church School
Bank Name – Republic Bank Ghana Limited
Branch – Ebankese Branch
Account number – 0020149421018
Account Name – Accra Ridge Church School
Bank Name – Zenith Bank
Branch – Premier Tower
Account Number – 6010146542
Add the name of your ward and class of your ward in the reference.
Send a copy of the deposit slip to the school’s accounts office for a receipt or send a photo to this number on whatup (0240100646)
Source of information; Accounts Department.
Thank you.